People who know me well know that my favorite movie of all time is The Princess Bride. Ever since college, it’s been at the top of my list and I think I’ve seen it well over 30 times, though I lost count a long time ago.
Whenever I had a bad day, I’d pop that movie in the VCR. If I was extra lucky, a good friend who also loved the movie would come over, too, and the two of us would sit there watching it and talking along with almost every single word of dialog. To anyone else, it would have been annoying beyond compare, but to the two of us, it was bliss. By the end of the movie, the bad day had been forgotten and the sunlit world of happy endings had taken over.
I’ve always had a knack for remembering lines from movies, songs, or scripts, something that came in handy during my participation in high school plays, musicals, and barbershop quartets. It’s also something that is a source of aggravation…either for me or for someone else who gets a movie quote wrong while I’m around.
“No. She didn’t say ‘like that.’ She said, ‘I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.'”
Believe me, if you’re not surrounded by friends who really like you (or by happy drunk people), that kind of thing gets eye rolls of derision.
I’ve learned (mostly) to keep it in check unless I’m just teasing a friend… or my boss. The only time it’s really tough to do is when someone screws up dialogue from a favorite movie; specifically The Princess Bride.
For instance…
Recently, my father-in-law was visiting (which is good, since I like my in-laws). He’s usually sleeping when I go to work, so I don’t get to see him in the mornings, but this particular morning, I was taking it easy and left the house later than usual, so he was up. As I was saying goodbye and was walking out the door, he said (in a Jewish Miracle Max voice), “Good luck stormin’ da castle!”
I smiled. I chuckled. I closed the door behind me. I got in my car. I started the engine. I pulled out of the driveway. I took a deep breath.
“It’s ‘HAVE FUN stormin’ da castle!'”
And that is how my knack for remembering movie dialogue creates aggravation for me.
But family harmony was preserved… which, like bacon, is a good thing.
I’ve gotten into arguments with my nearly perfect husband Butch about movie quotes. I don’t know why I bother. He’s like you. He uses his big and powerful brain to remember every line in every movie word for word. Me, I just remember the overall concept, which is how my poor brain seems to work about most things.
At this time, I owe him $1,000 because I lost a bet about what someone said in a movie, and I was sooooo sure! Sigh. LOL
And I second Jay… mmm.. bacon… Woot! I had maple bacon for the first time ever a few weeks ago and I was in piggy goodness heaven. 🙂