Digital Chum - Virtual fish guts and other nonsense


Overall… not a bad day for domestic human rights.

I’m a little disgusted about the 5-4 split on DOMA, though. It should have been 9-0. Evidently, almost half our Supreme Court judges aren’t in favor of equal rights, hiding behind an argument of “Oh no! People will argue about this!” (which pretty much summarizes Justice Scalia’s dissent)

Scalia said:

By formally declaring anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human decency, the majority arms well every challenger to a state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition.

I like the “formally declaring” bit… which implies (accurately, IMHO) that opponents of same-sex marriage were already enemies of human decency, but simply had yet to be “formally” declared as such. But now that the formal declaration has been made (according to Scalia), it’ll be open season on state laws restricting marriage to its “traditional definition” (ie… .. restrictions based on nothing but misguided religious ideology).

…and that is a good thing.

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