I don’t know what’s going on here.
h/t: My friend Andrew
I’ve been meaning to post this all week but kept forgetting. John Oliver gives a spot-on (and funny) commentary about the climate change “debate” and public opinion polls about climate change. Love it!
h/t: IFLScience!
While I try to avoid using sarcasm in anything serious that I write, this (which I first saw on Facebook… I didn’t write it) is an appropriate use. Ha!
I’ve heard equality-opponents make arguments against some of these points and it’s always amusing to watch a bigot try to justify their beliefs.
“Homosexual behavior is a choice!” (#2)
“Studies show that children do better with a mother and a father!” (#9)
“What about polygamy!?” (#3)
…and of course…
(insert any number of bible quotes here) (#1 – #10)
* title meant as sarcasm