I so rarely get a good picture of Melody that I figured I’d post this one.
(Also a shout-out to Katris for the Katris Nest that she’s lying in. All the cats actually frequent it, so it was definitely a good buy.)

I so rarely get a good picture of Melody that I figured I’d post this one.
(Also a shout-out to Katris for the Katris Nest that she’s lying in. All the cats actually frequent it, so it was definitely a good buy.)
Back in 2014, we moved and did a huge renovation on the new house (You can see portions in previous posts). Since we were doing some additions, we had the option to install a dedicated cat door into an exterior wall so that I could eventually add a big catio instead of the small, window units that I had made at the old house.
Fast forward 5 years and ta-dah! We have a big catio!
I sort of skipped to the end with that picture, so here’s a summary of the process, along with some tips and strategies that I used while building it.
(more…)A few months ago, I read or saw or heard something about how the ideal cat scratching post is tall enough to allow cats to get a full stretch while they’re scratching. Most of the posts you get at pet stores are way too short to meet that criteria… like this one.
It still works and the cats still use it (unless Oooo! Look! A couch!) but in the interest of (not) spoiling our cats, I decided that a “less than ideal” cat scratching post was, well… less than ideal. Therefore, I set about making one that more closely resembled the a scratching post fit for a frickin’ lion.
For the post itself, I took two 2x4s and screwed them together to make a solid and adequately sized post. I cut it to a length of 36″ and then wrapped it with 1/4″ sisal rope that I got at Harbor Freight for about $8.00 per 100-foot roll.
To get things started, I drilled a 1/4″ hole and stuck end of the rope into the hole, adding a small screw to smush it solidly into place. There are various ways to keep the rope in place (staples, hot glue, tacks, etc) but since I had some Titebond glue around, I just smeared that on the post and wrapped the sisal around that, working in about 5″ segments so the glue wouldn’t dry out before I got the sisal wrapped. That worked out really well and the wrapping ended up very solid.
At the top and bottom, I also added some tack-in cloth staples around the rope just to make sure it didn’t slip or pull loose.
From that point, it was just a matter of cutting a big, square base, drilling some holes, wrapping it in carpet, and screwing the post to the base. I’m giving very few details here because of two things. First, I didn’t take any pictures during this process and second, I’m a total failure at cutting carpet with anything remotely resembling precision. Fortunately, it looks fine from the top.
So the finished post is about 36″ tall and is on a base that’s about 20″ x 20″. It looks pretty awesome and I’m sure that it will get used eventually. To be more specific, I’m sure it will get used eventually the way it was intended to be used, not the way Houdini decided to use it.
So ungrateful.
Some friends of mine who volunteer for the animal shelter Pets Alive, took a few days to get footage for a promotional video that mirrors the introduction to the show Downton Abbey. It’s been a huge hit and has been picked up by quite a few news outlets, so it’s getting international publicity, which is just fantastic! …not only for my friends, but for the animal shelter as well.
For comparison sake, here’s the opening to Downton Abbey…
And here’s the awesome Downton Tabby version!
Here are some of the news outlets that have featured it!